
UAN Training Releases

Interested in UAN?

Step 1: Mail the complete UAN Participation Agreement to the UAN office.

The UAN Participation Agreement is complete when:

  • A majority of your entity’s governing board signs Page 9 and dates it the day it is adopted (you can add signature lines if necessary). Or, when applicable, signed by one individual with signing authority (a copy of legislation granting such authority is required).
  • The Fiscal Officer signs and dates Exhibit D.
  • All other pages relevant to the entity are complete and included (17 total). Modifications are not permitted.
  • UAN receives the original signed document (i.e., we cannot accept a photocopy or fax). You should also retain a signed copy for your records.

Note: No fees will be assessed until after your training session (as described in Step 4)

Download [UAN Participation Agreement]
  • Mail to:
  • Uniform Accounting Network
  • 65 East State Street
  • Columbus, OH 43215

Step 2: Submit UAN Conversion Worksheets to UAN_Support@ohioauditor.gov

The UAN Conversion Worksheets you prepare will outline your current budget and year-to-date transactions in accordance with the Auditor of State (AOS) Numeric Uniform Chart of Accounts. If you currently use the same chart of accounts, you will complete the worksheets so that you are ready to bring the application up to date during training class. If you use a different chart of accounts system, you will complete the worksheets to convert your old codes to the equivalent AOS codes, then distribute your budgets and year-to-date transactions to the new codes. UAN provides a worksheet guide that explains all the steps.

Conversion Files You Will Need (A & B)

  1. The AOS Uniform Chart of Accounts. There are three types provided by AOS: Township, Village, and Library. Make sure you download and use the correct one, because this will determine your options for account codes when converting.

    Download [Township Chart of Accounts]

    Download [Village Chart of Accounts]

    Download [Library Chart of Accounts]

    Need help with codes? Are you not sure which fund, revenue, and appropriation accounts you should use for a particular budget or transaction? Or do you work for a special district that would like to join UAN, but you are not sure which chart of accounts applies? The AOS staff at Local Government Services (LGS) can help! Call 800-345-2519 or email ContactLGS@ohioauditor.gov

    Are you experienced with fund accounting? To use UAN properly, you need a firm understanding of government fund accounting principles. To aid inexperienced Fiscal Officers, UAN has developed a series of fund accounting courses that begin at an introductory level and progress to more advanced topics. Even those with years of fund accounting experience will benefit from reviewing the videos to reinforce their understanding.

    To access the videos, click ‘Training’ from the menu above and choose ‘Transition’. Then scroll to ‘Phase 2 UAN Prerequisite Training’. Clicking a link will open the video on YouTube (YouTube may run an advertisement first). All videos count toward House Bill 10 training hours; you must self-report after watching. If you cannot watch all the videos before the training, at the minimum we highly recommend watching the two videos that apply to the AOS Numeric Uniform Chart of Accounts:

    UAN Prerequisite Accounting 101 Chapter 3

    UAN Prerequisite Accounting 102 Chapter 1

  2. Conversion Worksheets & Guide Options

    Summary Conversions (most common)
    Using this method, your class instructor will guide you through entering budgets and lump-sum transactions, which you prepared on the worksheets, to quickly bring UAN up to date in the middle of the year. This method enables you to file your Annual Financial Report through UAN without entering every transaction detail of the period before you joined UAN.

    Download [UAN Conversion Worksheet Guide]

    Download [UAN Conversion Worksheets]

    Detailed Conversions (rarely used)
    Typically used by entities that have no current books to consolidate into lump-sum transactions. The fiscal officer will enter every single transaction detail that occurred before joining UAN in exact order. In class, the instructor will guide you through the steps of entering transactions, but you will enter most of your conversion transactions after class. Detail conversion worksheets are available upon request. Contact UAN Support to speak with a new client specialist if you are interested.

    December Conversions (limited)
    Specifically designed for classes held in mid-December so the entity can start using UAN for transactions beginning in the new year. Temporary Appropriations are entered, but no year-to-date conversion transactions apply with this approach. December conversion worksheets must be completed, submitted, and approved by November 15th to qualify for a December class and (online) seats are limited.

    Download [UAN December Conversion Worksheet Guide]

    Download [UAN December Conversion Worksheets]

    Do you have a question about the conversion worksheets or guide? Contact UAN Support at 800-833-8261 and ask to speak with one of our New Client Specialists or email UAN_Support@ohioauditor.gov

Step 3: Class Registration

You will be contacted for class scheduling only after UAN staff approve worksheets submitted by email and verify that the signed original UAN Participation Agreement is received by mail. UAN Support will notify you if we find errors or omissions that require correction. Once approved, during March through September, class dates are usually available within a few weeks!

Step 4: Attend Online Training

Class consists of two days of online training and setup of the UAN application, entering budgets and year-to-date transactions that you prepared on the conversion worksheets. By class end, you will be prepared to enter additional conversion transactions that occurred between the conversion worksheet submission and the class date. You will soon be ready to post live transactions using UAN!

Payroll Conversion Training

Initial conversion to UAN does not include the UAN Payroll software. You will be able to process payroll payments using UAN Accounting; it will just require manual calculations for the payments or through lump-sum entries if you will be maintaining another payroll system in the interim.

UAN Payroll is available at no additional charge. If interested, you must first begin posting day-to-day transactions and then email a bank reconciliation report to UAN to demonstrate this activity. After confirming the activity, UAN will send a payroll conversion worksheet (with guide) for you to complete and return. The payroll conversion worksheet is less difficult and only takes about an hour to complete. Upon approval, we will arrange a one-day online payroll training session.